Preview - Aiming.Pro Academy and Loads of new Game Modes
We're excited to announce our next big feature release for Aiming.Pro. We're adding a LOT of new game modes as well as launching the Aiming.Pro Academy. A fully interactive training course with over 100 lessons including over 30 videos. We're super excited, we've spent the last few months producing the content for it and we really think it's going to help players improve their aim even faster.

The new games will be ready soon and will start appearing on the site over the next few weeks. The academy should be ready shortly after that - we're just putting the finishing touches on the video.
New Game Modes
Spawn Engine
We've made a few fundamental changes to how targets spawn. The general idea is now we're controlling where a target spawns relative to where the last one spawned. This allows for more tailored training scenarios.
The two main factors are direction and distance. By controlling the spawn direction we allow players to repeatedly train certain movements. By controlling the distance, players can focus on arm aiming, wrist aiming or a combo of the two.
It also gives us more control over aiming 'difficulty' which is determined by target size and how far away it is from your crosshair. In the near future we will be able to rate training drills based on their relative difficulty.
We've also added a couple of modes built upon these: Ladder and Oscillation. Ladder mode causes the targets to spawn in a continuous line until they meet the edge of the playing area, then they'll turn back. Oscillation is switching between two target locations. Both of these should be helpful in developing aiming feel as well as warming up.
One more - we've added a peripheral vision mode. Targets should appear at the very edge of the visible play area in a circular area around the player. We will probably drastically alter this mode in the future, but please try it for now and see how you like it.
Until now we had horizontal tracking only. Now we have vertical and back & forth (along the Z-axis). This will allow players to build muscle memories for different movement types. Recreating in-game situations such as ramps and enemies running away or towards you.
Additionally, we have a couple of special modes such as circular tracking and high jumps. Circular tracking means the target will maintain a constant size as you're tracking it. A good one for beginners and also for more advanced players who want to think about how to reset their hand & arm position as they get to the extremes of their range. Long jumps allows you to build muscle memory for tracking predictable movement patterns.
Primary Objective and Secondary Requirements
Each game now has a primary objective and may have a number of secondary requirements.
The primary objective is what players will be scored on and what the leader boards will be ranked on. By default, this will be 'Targets Destroyed', which is how all games have been up till this point. Potential objectives are any of the currently available metrics, but most common ones will likely be Targets Destroyed, Accuracy and Target Lifetime.
Secondary requirements are minimum performance objectives that a player must meet. If they are not met the level is considered failed and their score won't be submitted to the leaderboards. Secondary requirements can be Targets Destroyed, Accuracy, Target Lifetime and Critical Hit %.
You will be able to see your secondary requirements in the top right on the game HUD:

A great example of these features is the new reaction speed game which we can now create within our game engine. The setup will be a target which always appears in the same location, a primary objective of 'Target Lifetime' and secondary requirements of minimum accuracy and a minimum number of targets destroyed.
The Aiming.Pro Academy
Our primary goal at Aiming.Pro has always been to help you become a better gamer. Training drills, stats and reporting all contribute a lot to this but we've always felt adding more theory and structure would make it even better.
This is where the Aiming.Pro Academy comes in. We've spent an awful lot of time reading papers, consulting experts and testing to organise the training drills into an optimum progression. A progression that starts with the fundamental techniques to build the core muscle memories, teaches the key aiming skills then moves on to some advanced topics.
We also needed the theory to go alongside this progression to help you understand why the techniques are important and to give some guidance about how to perform them correctly. And this where the videos come in. In total, we have 30 videos planned covering everything from technique, to flick aiming, to tracking and speed development.

Our current range of training drills wasn't sufficient to cover the wide range of topics in the course which is why we've had to revamp our game engine. As explained above, we've added a ton of new game modes which gives us the ability to hyper-target the training drill to the skill we are trying to develop.

We've already made a lot of progress with this, and we are currently working on finalising the videos. We are super excited for you to try it and hopefully we won't have to keep you waiting for much longer.
If you have any thoughts or opinions then please join us for a chat on Discord.